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Best Ways Women Can Reduce Holiday Stress

The holiday season is here. It is a time of joy and good will filled with family, friends, parties, celebrations and giving. Although all these positive associations are part of the season, the holidays also bring stress and uncertainty. To take part in the festivities, family finances often become stressed. As social obligations increase, the spirit of friendship and community may wane. The extra demands of cooking, decorating, entertaining and shopping can be overwhelming for all.

BUT, Studies show that women shoulder the majority of the responsibility of meeting financial, social and family needs during this time. It is women who do most of the cooking, shopping and gift-buying. They may also serve as the hostess at gatherings at their homes and keep children’s holiday activities on track. These extra activities make more demands on time, which increase holiday stress. There are ways to help women cope with the stress of the holidays.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Be aware of and acknowledge your feelings. Trying to convince yourself that you are all right may increase stress. Instead, take stock of your feelings. Give yourself permission to be honest. Are you tired? Are you having difficulty meeting obligations? Are you eating more or drinking more alcohol as a way to cope? You may feel overwhelmed, depressed or exhausted. Taking time to analyze and understand how you feel is the first step in combating stress.

Take Time Out

If you feel caught up in a whirlwind of activities and excessive demands, take time out. Even a five-minute break for a relaxing cup of tea or coffee can help. Feel your muscles relax, your mind calm down and the dizzying pressure of constant performance subside.

There are several ways to regain your focus. Take a few deep breaths to infuse oxygen into your lungs and bloodstream. Close your eyes and listen to the environment around you. If the weather permits, go outside and breathe in fresh air. Take a walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park. Listen to pleasant music or read a book to help clear your mind.

An afternoon soak in a tub relaxes from head to toe. You can take advantage of TrūAura’s November special of a 15% discount on our popular moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Massage your scalp and refresh your hair with our hair care duo that is infused with nourishing probiotics, essential oils and natural cleansing agents. A rejuvenating hair care session will keep your hair healthy and looking great. The November special includes a free scrunchie in a lovely ice-blue color while supplies last.

Be Realistic

Set realistic goals that support your traditions and your needs. You and your family will get more enjoyment from the holiday season when you do not expect perfection or try to do too much. If too many parties are scheduled, you will not enjoy them. It is all right to say no.

If your house cannot accommodate many guests, ask your holiday visitors how they feel about staying in an Airbnb or a hotel. They may enjoy having more space and an opportunity to wind down away from a crowd of people as much as you do. Alternatively, ask friends or relatives to visit during a less busy time. For those who live further away, meet virtually using video calls and social media to share experiences and photographs.

Remember What is Essential

The holidays have a different meaning to each person and each family. Keep your traditions first and foremost. Do not be afraid to say no to activities that demand too much time or weaken your focus. As invitations to other activities come in, keep them in perspective to make sure you do not lose sight of your main goals.

Your emphasis may be the spiritual aspect of the holidays, spending time with your family or giving back to your community and those less fortunate. Plan ahead to make sure you put these important times on your calendar. By focusing on what matters most, you retain the spirit of the holidays.

Make a Budget

It is easy to get caught up in the hype of the season, with retailers and advertisements urging us to spend more than we can afford. One study showed that finances are one of the biggest stress factors of the holiday season. Before going on a shopping trip, plan your budget by making a list of necessary gifts and other purchases. Watch for sales or online bargains to help you stay within your budget.

If you are looking for gift ideas for women friends, take a look at TrūAura’s holiday specials. You get a 25% discount on the Choose Your Own Colors Set that contains an eyeshadow, blush and lipstick. You select the colors in this special offer. Alternatively, you can choose a single item, lipstick blush or eyeshadow, at 20% off. Whether the recipient is your mother, sister, daughter or friend, these are gifts girls love but might not buy for themselves.

Although children enjoy receiving gifts, this is a time to help them understand what giving really means. Giving time to your community, whether a church, a homeless shelter or a neighbor in need, can be more rewarding than expensive gifts. Giving from the heart emphasizes the spirit of the season. Simple gifts, such as homemade crafts, foods from your kitchen or a scrapbook of photographs and memorabilia, mean a lot to friends and family.

Practice Self-Care  

Women often put their needs last. Scheduling self-care into your daily routine helps keep you refreshed and able to cope with the extra demands. When you feel rested, attractive and in control of your day, you will be more productive and better able to help those around you.

An effective way to start the day is to maintain your morning beauty routine. Cleansing and Moisturizing skin and putting on makeup is a great way to help you feel your best. To get in the holiday spirit, choose makeup colors that reflect the cheer of the season. Take advantage of TrūAura’s November Holiday Hustle event that lasts through November 30, 2022, offering a 25% discount on a Choose Your Colors set or a 20% discount on individual clean color eyeshadow, blush and lipsticks.

End your day with a skincare routine that cleanses and nourishes. Our products contain essential oils, natural minerals and probiotics that repair your skin while you sleep. You will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day feeling your best.

If your partner, family or friends are looking for gift ideas for her, tell them about TrūAura’s products and offers. Membership in the TrūAura Loyalty Club sends products that you choose to your home every two or three months. The Loyalty Club offers a 15% discount on products and free/flat rate shipping on orders of $120 USD/$150 CAD or more. We make it simple—no annual fees, no surprises and quality products that keep you feeling attractive and fresh even during the busiest times of the year.

When you sign up, you can also select a personalized beauty Consultant who lives near you. Consultants recommend TrūAura products that complement your skin tone and lifestyle to help you look your best.

Busy women can enjoy the holiday season and reduce stress by setting priorities and taking time for themselves. Including a beauty routine in your daily schedule keeps you looking and feeling your best. You can be part of the glow and spirit of this important time.