Holiday Skincare: Our Top 3 Tips for Keeping Your Skin in Tip-Top Shape


Tis’ the Season for Skincare

The holidays are a wonderful time of festivities & excitement. However, that extra excitement, disruption of our usual schedules, and the occasional over indulgence combined with the harsh seasonal weather patterns can also lead to irritation and breakouts. Here are our top tips to keep your skin looking as festive as how you feel!

Transition to a “Winter Routine”

Learning what your skin needs during the winter can sometime be a bit of a learning adjustment, but you absolutely need more hydration to help lock in the moisture during these cold and dry winter months. Avoid stripping your skin of oils by exposing your skin to excessively hot water, and try to protect your face from the elements when you go outside.

Don’t Skimp on Your Evening Routine

Skimping on your evening routine after a late night of staying up with family is tempting, however, your nighttime routine is the best time to pack in the extra replenishment and repair you need. During sleep, our body is hard at work, and providing the extra nourishment from your evening skincare routine is so helpful in keeping your skin feeling and looking it’s best.

Minimize Excess Sugar

Especially for women, the consumption of excess sugar has impacts on your hormones that can lead to undesired breakouts. The idea of minimizing excess sugar is hard during the holiday season, but by being selective about what you choose to have it can help keep your skin looking fabulous. And, if you wake up realizing you had just one too many sugary treats the following morning, be kind to yourself! Don’t beat yourself up about it, and just work on doing better. It’s about consistency over the longterm, not perfection… kind of like your skincare routine!

Jaywon Park